
The content of this platform covers a lot of subjects, everyone thinks about, is worried about, is working on, struggles with, wants to resolve it, wants to find a solution for it, believes that there must a different way to look at it, knows that there is a way to figure it out, wants to change it and is eager to learn more about. 

Life`s topics and their energy structure

I am sharing with you topics of feminity, body, sexuality, relationships, financial independency, sucess, feeling of "home", freedom, self-esteem and love.

Those topics resulted from my own quest - a search and discovery to figure out my own lifes challenges, lessons and the wisdom that arose from it > reprogramming the information in my field, transforming my life and reaching a higher vibrational state (which is continiously growing and always will...😜).

Femininity, Body, Sexuality, Relationship, Love


  • deep buried feminine qualities, inactive - not living the feminine energy
  • absent masculine energy in life

...resulting in taking over the masculine part as a woman. Additionally - because of feeling unworthy - rebelling against the old status of women in society and family structures > the woman takes care of the children and the household. 

  • negation towards sexual energy, life force and own creative power
  • disliking the physical body, feeling unattractive
  • feeling objectified through the body relating to sex with men
  • not feeling good enough for a man/the partner as a woman

...resulting in the misstrust of men (not beeing able to believe his love) and a resistance against men´s lustful and impulsive sexual desires. 

  • fear of abandonment
  • deep fear of loss

...therefore trying to hold on to old structures and belief systems - representing the illusion of safety and security > not being able to let go

  • rebelling against the old status of women in society and family matters: the men works and the woman cooks, cleans and takes care of the children at home.


  • living in the feminine power
  • a balanced masculine and feminine energy 
  • a feeling of comfort and thankfulness about the own body, feeling sexy and attractive with all of who you are in your natural form
  • a state of experiencing sexuality in its true nature
  •  living an equal, harmonious partnership filled with intimacy, love, a soul connection, fun & joy, … 
  • feeling free and safe
  • trusting that whatever happens, happens for a reason - always to the benefit of improving ones life
  • not being afraid anymore of seperation and loss, but gracefully and grateful letting loved ones go, when they want to (and when it is time for them)
  • loving who you are, the woman you are 
  • an open heart - allowing yourself to love again, to let love in and to let yourself be loved
  • fully accepting who you are and loving yourselt uncondtionally
  • trusting life and yourself
  • everything that is meant to be in your life - is and will be in your life

Financial Independency, Success, Self-esteem and Freedom, feeling at "home"


  • a constant struggle with feeling trapped; "this can not be it, there must be more to life"
  • being forced to do something/ work a certain job in order to survive in this monetary world
  • decisions that are driven due to a monetary factor, which go against the enjoyment of life

... resulting in a deep desire for freedom and independency and rebelling against work-, relationship- and life choices which are made due to our engraved survival instinct, seeking security and wanting to control life.

  • trying to control life and the future
  • making your feeling of self worth dependent on outside factors

... therefore planning a lot for the future and daily tasks to have a sense of "control" over life; seeking security in material things, being dependent on others people love and attention.

  • not feeling at home in this world or in my own body
  • a feeling of not belonging anywhere
  • feeling alone, Feeling of: "No one understands me"

... resulting in a deep desire to find a physical place in this world to call "home"; seeking to finally settle down and build a life with family,, a community and a successfull business.

  • a constant lack of money
  • never having enough

... leading to a feeling of being powerless, because I am not able to buy and do the things I love to do; not feeling good enough to be self employed and earn good money without giving up my quality of life



  • living life from a place of love
  • where you follow your heart
  • seeking the financial freedom and vibrational field - to love what you do and being successful with it
  • feeling free, connected, safe and nurtured from within
  • where you love what you do and where you enjoy your life
  • being naturally successful in your work space
  • a mindset of naturally receiving and giving with joy
  • a feeling of wanting to be here on earth and feeling at home
  • a Soultribe surrounding you with beautiful heartwarming people

It is important for me to let you know, that this published information is ment to be a guiding factor in your own conscious evolution. There is no single "perfect roadmap" for everyone to follow, to reach the inner connection with yourself, accessing your source of light. Everyone uses different filters of knowledge, understanding and belief systems to create their reality. Some only need to hear it once to make big changes and release blocked energies and others need to dive deeper into the issue for them to understand it and learn more about it. The others who need to ride the spiral of certain issues deeper into the subconscious probably need this insight for their own purpose to reach their soul mission and help others with it (like myself).


I am here to give you a possibilites of methods, different ways to think about "problems" and I am offering you my insight about how I solved my own blocked energy and changed it into a higher vibrational field of information and there changing the reflection of my outside world. 


We will always grow and expand and ask questions, trying to understand and create/manifest different things in our life and seek to explore and enhance our human capabilities ("Supernatural"). What a fun ride on this earth! :-)

A state of fully allowing yourself to accept who you are > that is unconditional love and the key to becoming energetically independent!


Enjoy and have fun exploring another chapter in your life – welcome to a journey of inspiration and awareness!

the whole website is under readjustment - a new version will follow soon!