I was born in Vienna, Austria on 12th November 1989.

I always had this inner knowing that there must be a way, an answer to solve our current issues and no matter how deep we are stuck in our emotional and mental roller coaster - there is a different perspective or technique waiting for us to discover in order to get out and go beyond our struggles - and therefore moving our vibrational field to higher consciousness. 


I was born with a natural curiosity to understand people`s behavior, their mind and emotions. This interest brought me to my own soul purpose > exploring various facets of duality, learning to understand the cosmic laws of this universe > going through all my shadow areas, diving deep into the subconscious darkness (of my childhood, my past lives, my ancestry and massive consciousness) - realizing its potential and thereby expanding my limits and growing towards my highest self, my light.


Over the years I matured at solving my own riddles of life > the answers behind my emotions and how they relate to my limiting thoughts, studying my own frequency field and exploring many techniques in light work. Throughout my journey of reflection, transformation and healing I recognized the pattern of what I was doing. I became more and more energetically independent, releasing all ties to energetic connections that held me in a powerless state of mind, and releasing all concepts of reality that led me to believe that I am not loved or worth it. I was transforming the poles of duality, which were loaded with judgement, low vibrational emotions, and limitation. Through my many years of developing my knowledge, my perception and awareness I became very in tune with my inner being; my subtle senses are on an ongoing road of enhancement; issues I worked on found their balance; and with every transformation my mind and my subconscious mind emptied out more and more - leading me to a state of being able to live and enjoy the here and now, a state of accepting and peace - reaching a playful mind about what my environment reflects back to me and to work with it.

"Dear Soultraveler on Earth, I wish you a wonderful journey of awareness, might this information lift you up, inspire you and help you on your way to find yourself again - knowing who you are, why you came here and why you chose this body. May you find your way back to your heart frequency > accepting yourself exactly as you are - here and now."


With love, Sahra