
The invisible burden of a woman

What happened to us women? Many of us are carrying such a heavy burden which we are not even aware of. Memories run so deep > feeling like a victim, being seen as an object, being seen/judged only by our bodies – not being good enough for a man. We still carry so many memories with us from the patriarchic era – so many emotions that we can`t recognize yet, hidden in our believes.


But the time is here now – the energy is changing – we are starting to see ourselves again – we want to heal – we want to feel as a (real) woman again > who truly loves herself, her body, her femineity, …


How much are we allowing ourselves to be a woman again? How deep does the pressure run to prove ourselves to men? We moved from a matriarchic time where we had the upper hand to the opposite epoch where the woman was more seen as a useful tool – to cook and clean the house and to “be here” to bear children – love was underrated and marriage became more like a contract with the objective to join families (to survive) - later on, having a ring on the finger, turned into a binding decision to only be with one man – and in this society the woman was truly dependent on the man to survive – having a good (material) life the man provided or/and being able to provide for the children, giving them a nice life – this used to be more important due to our survival instinct. We didn`t know how else to live as a woman …


The time for balance is on its way – in order for that to be possible, it is important for us women that we release those limiting thoughts about our femineity, about all the emotions that we are carrying within us – hidden within – ready to be noticed by us through the mirror of the world: look at the people in your environment ° be aware of your thoughts ° decipher the language of your body °°°



Are you ready to truly see yourself?


Many of us carry this unconscious need to live up to the characteristics and qualities of a man – to satisfy and to ease this feeling wanting to prove ourselves in those masculine energies – because of this ancient memory (which has been given to us from our ancestors, and our own past life and of course – situations from our present life) - that we are not good enough as a woman, not even remotely equal to a man > we forgot who we are: ….  we have a different body – we can create another human with our body – we tend to have a more fragile body than a man – we have our monthly period, and so many other different and beautiful qualities, like: intuition, nurturing qualities, connection to mother earth, the quality of receiving, a deep trust, simply being, unconditional love, …

… in this illusion where we desire to be equal to the men and not feeling less as a woman, we lost ourselves – we forget who we really are …


It is about time to be proud of our qualities, our characteristics, our body, …


In the process of accepting and loving ourselves - realizing that we are different - losing the urge to be the same – we heal … In that process we also heal the connection to the masculine side and with that we can find balance within us – with both energies – letting the female and the masculine energy rest equally within ourselves…healed à to a point where within we carry the equilibrium and on the outside: we allow ourselves to be a WOMAN, living the qualities of the feminine energy and also living the masculine energy (but different than the men do) and (with a relationship) we allow him to play the role of the MAN (the healed version of the masculine energy), living his feminine energies as well – different than we do.


Male energies *:

structure > willpower > alignment > light > void > freedom > consciousness > transcendence

Female energies *:

sensuality > cycle > radiance & beauty > abundance > surrender > compassion > pure vitality > love



Many might think then … how to find a man like this, when I found my balance? You will automatically draw him in – you will find each other – it is the law of vibration / the law of attraction!



Malia Lumiére 

* translated from the book: “Auf den Schwingen weiblicher Sexualität“ from Doris Christinger