
I don`t deserve to be loved - or do I?

If you would ask someone that question: “Do you deserve to be loved?” – I guess most would have the immediate response with saying: “Yes, of course.” But how do we really feel about this question? Due to my own process of healing my heart I stumbled upon this sentence, where deep within there was a part that felt like not deserving to be loved. This feeling leads to thinking habits like: not being good enough for the partner in the relationship; the fear of losing the other; “Only when I am needed, I deserve to be loved”, or for some it might result in the pattern of playing the victim – to get attention - to get love, … You can also find the resulting patterns of what we associate with love in our childhood... How did you witness it in your family? For some it might also be linked with screaming, abuse or thinking I am only good enough as my body – so I sell my body in order to receive love.


What if this question catapults you in an illusion, where you find yourself in a hamster wheel not being able to escape? If we look closer: You experience a situation where the other person wasn`t treating you very nicely … going further back in your childhood – all you want and know is to love unconditionally and then you don`t understand why your family (father, mother, …) is not loving you equally and why you`re being punished – so here is the thought inserted: “Something must be wrong with me” … going even further back with all the baggage your carried with you from your ancestors and your past life … but where did all start and how do we get out?


By simply recognizing that this sentence itself is an illusion and doesn`t exist. If you say, that you don`t deserve to be loved – you give away your power to the other person, deciding that through her/his action you let the other one judge you and then falsely learning from that situation – that you`re not enough. Once this is set in motion and this believe is locked within us - your reality will confirm it - and then you continuously "learn" from your surroundings - jumping into the hamster wheel.


It all started when you gave away your power …


Think about the law of attraction! You rule your reality! Your reality can only show you what you think and feel, it only and without a doubt presents your own vibration. So when you feel that you are not good enough and not deserving, this is what you get and it shows you how you think about yourself. How much love exists right now in your life? How happy are you really? Be honest to yourself. 💛


How can you change the situation? By loving yourself first – only then can your reality automatically show you something else! I know we heard it all so often before, but I am telling you there is a difference with hearing and knowing it in your mind to really knowing it in your heart. Because when you know – everything else will fall away, like shedded skin – a burden falling of your shoulders – a release is happening – and freedom in your heart will appear and then the sentence: “I deserve to be loved” – has no reference for you anymore.


One way to adapt it is by saying: “I am deserving of my own love”.


Know that you are a magnificent being, with so much love and so many skills and talents; there is a treasure within you that wants to be free; a light that wants to shine; a heart that wants to feel; a feeling of pure happiness and empowerment is waiting for you … are you ready?



Malia Lumiére