Living from the source within

Your inner being is drawn to the possibility of the reality of becoming energetically independent, to experience inner freedom and live from the source within....

Welcome to this site! 

I created this platform to share with you my insights of life and to offer inspiration and guidance, like so many others helped me through my processes by sharing their knowledge.

I like to ask questions, change engraved assoziations with ceratin words and question them. I philosophize about different topics, trying to find a way out of the current mental point of view to reach higher percpectives and free my mind from an anchored thought construct. In accordance I work with my emotions and deep routed pictures of set realities and traumas, using different techniques of light work, that I read about or was inspired by my own inner guidance, to change and transform their energy structure to a higher vibrational information.

I like to explore the laws of our dual universe, know it > use it consciously > and to that effect master it > setting my vibrational field "back" to its divine norm: I am a high vibrational being > my true state: I am the embodiment of love.

If you feel addressed by these sentences and they reflect you ...

  • I am on my path of consciously changing my low  vibrational patterns.
  • I you already know about and work with the law of  attraction.
  • I want to release my material and emotional   dependencies.
  • I am ready to let go of the “old”.
  • I believe that there must be more to it.
  • I am eager to figure out the root cause and to decode the information in my frequency.
  • I am aware of my emotions and thoughts.
  • I work really good with my mental body and I am open to explore my inner world with my intuition.
  • I am looking for ways to bring balance to my female and masculine energy.
  • I want to change my vibration from a mentality of lack to an energy flow of love and natural abundance. 

...then this is the right site for you!

You were guided to this website in a time where you might need some assistance on your healing path and are looking for some inspiration that gives you new perspectives on your own questions and new information for various issues, raise your awareness and call up hidden parts within you - yet to be discovered!

Follow your intuition and see where your attention goes and what feels right for you, as you browse the site:

the whole website is under readjustment - a new version will follow soon!